If you’ve ever walked down the aisle yourself, you know how much is involved in the planning. Not just for the bride, but her maids as well. While it can be a tricky task for the bride to decide on the top girls she wants to be by her side, it can be even harder to say a sad “no” to the bride to be. We get it, there is so much involved with being a bridesmaid, not only time but cost can be a big factor too. Here are some tips and real reasons for saying “no” to the bride to be.
You need to think about it
A bridesmaid proposal is usually sprung on you without any warning or notice. It’s okay to ask the bride for a few days to think about it. You can let her know just how pleased and excited you are that she asked you, but you need some time to mull it over to make sure you’ll be able to be the best bridesmaid for her special day.
You’re unable to commit
You may have a lot going on in the lead up to their wedding day, huge projects at work or even your own wedding. Remember that your time is valuable too, and check in with your upcoming commitments to determine whether you can devote the extra time needed in helping with your friends wedding day. If you can’t, as much as you might want to, you need to be honest and tell the bride to be as soon as possible so she can make other arrangements. Let her know that you don’t feel you can commit and give the needed attention to her big day that she deserves.
You’re low on funds
Being part of the bridal party can be really expensive. Some brides will cover all of the costs, but others won’t be paying for things like your dress, accessories, shoes, hair & makeup, travel, it does all add up! Let the bride to be know that you’re in a tight spot, and as much as you would like to be a part of her day, you can’t cover the expenses involved in your current situation.
You’re expecting
This is a really exciting time in your life, expecting a little one, but it can really interfere with being a bridesmaid. If you’re trying to get pregnant or are pregnant already, it’s not typically ideal to be a part of the bridal party. Morning sickness, discomfort, dress sizing, it’s not an easy ride and definitely not ideal while being a bridesmaid. Be honest with the bride to be and let her know what’s on your mind. I’m sure she would feel better knowing you’re comfortable watching her wedding from the sidelines, than struggling by her side.